From Manager
Dear Students and Families,
Welcome to the SRS College newly launched website! Our hope is that this website will provide you with the most up-to-date, relevant and important information so that you can stay informed and makes the best decisions during your time at New Drop. Please feel free to explore the website to learn more about our eight "Smaller Learning Communities (SLC's)", the extra-curricular activities that are available to students, the PSAL sports that are offered, the upcoming special events, important announcements, college and career information and so much more. On a regular basis, you will be able to review the many great accomplishments of our staff and students so that you too can experience the New Drop "pride" that we do on a regular basis. We are extremely proud of the consistent improvement in our student data. The secret to our success is two-fold, a structural and instructional focus. First, the personalized settings of our Smaller Learning Communities allows students to learn in an environment that offers a course of study that is of interest to them, provides the student with the same guidance counsellor for the four years of high school and allows the dedicated staff to really get to know everything about their students.....nobody slips through the cracks. Secondly, teachers meet daily to discuss student work, student data and student outcomes during our very focused inquiry work. The findings of our inquiry work inform our curriculum development and instructional practices. Our collaborative teacher teams work together to develop strategies, interventions and practices that not only meet the skill needs of the students but is also rigorous, fun and relevant. One of our strongest practices is our interdisciplinary writing program (The Judith Hoch man Writing Program). Students develop strong writing skills in all content classrooms during their first two years at New Drop. By the time they are high school juniors, they are ready to begin writing college level papers. We are confident that we are graduating students that are college and career ready. I wish each of our students, parents and staff members the very best during the 2024-2025 school year. I have a feeling that this will be our best year ever!! All the best,
SRS College (Manager)